One doesn't have to go the distance to like "Going the Distance". It was simple, romantic, with just a touch of drama and loads of laughter – the perfect relationship … err, romance flick.

While the film is about a long distance relationship, the underlying question is really how far one can be willing to go the distance for love. Yeah, each and everyone – well at least everyone who has fallen – will have an answer. Myself, it all depends on what you are ready to do or what may be the risks and consequences you are willing to take.
So my friends and I decided to watch the movie out a whim to see what it has to say about LDR. With most of them having been or are in an LDR and I, well, just tagging along, we headed out without any real expectation on the film.
It was a hoot and a half.
Believers and naysayers can head butt on the question of LDRs and its complexities. I won't. It's 1:30 am!
(Though between the two, I lean more towards the latter group. Now don't treat this as a spoiler, but the film did not convert me to the former.)
Drew Barrymore and Justin Long were so sweet onscreen and their chemistry was so evident. It probably pays to also be together off-screen to get the viewers all syrupy while the two exchanged I-love-you's or got even more intimate. Incidentally, I didn't know that Long could have that one hot body.
The supporting casts were a riot. Especially Cristina Applegate. It was my first time to hear someone talk about dry humping in vivid details.
Notwithstanding my position on LDRs, I enjoyed the film. I guess it is really what the film just wants. It does not want the viewer to have epiphanies on LDR or the other questions that may arise from the story. It doesn't want anyone to decide whether to "fuck the miles" or stop fucking with the miles.
It just wants the viewers to enjoy the love story as it unfolds. And boy, I did.
Just go the distance and find out why.